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Billing Information If paying by credit card, then your billing name should match the name on the credit card and your billing address should match your credit card's billing address. Billing Name: Credit Card Type: Discover Mastercard Visa Paypal (no card # required - additional fees apply) Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: 3 Digit V-Code: The V-Code is the last 3 digits on the reverse of your credit card. It is located in the signature area. Billing Address: City: State/Province: Choose StateAKALARAZCACOCTDCDEFLGAHIIAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMOMSMTNCNDNENHNJNMNVNYOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWIWVWYABBCMBNBNFNTNSONPEPQSKYT Zip Code: Phone Number:
Shipping Information We offer several forms of shipping for online ordering. Fed Ex, UPS Ground, Spee Dee or USPS Priority Mail are our standard shipping methods, but we also ship 2nd Day Air or 3 Day Delivery. Please select the shipping method you would prefer. In Store Pick-Up also available (email required).
Shipping Method: StandardFed ExUPSSpee DeeUSPS Priority Mail2nd Day Delivery3rd Day DeliveryIn Store Pick-upOther Shipping Comments: Ship to the Billing Address?: Yes No OR Ship To: Shipping Name: Shipping Address: City: State/Province: Choose StateAKALARAZCACOCTDCDEFLGAHIIAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMOMSMTNCNDNENHNJNMNVNYOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWIWVWYABBCMBNBNFNTNSONPEPQSKYT Zip Code:
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