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Part# 'TT-WASH'
Track Tac Tire Wash
with DRT
"Dirt Repelling Tech."
Sell $25.75

Part# 'TT-BTGP'
Track Tac BTGP
"Better than Goat Pee"
Red (32oz)
Use on soft tracks.
Sell $30.95

Part# 'TT-GK1'
Track Tac GK1
About 10pt drop.
Blue (32oz)
Inside or Outside
Sell $30.95

Part# 'TT-SST'
Track Tac SST
Good base prep or PRW
Works well for asphalt.
Sell $30.95

Part# 'TT-SAA'
Track Tac SAA Grape
Cold weather prep.
Aggressive prep.
Sell $30.95

Part# 'TT-SST5'
Track Tac SST5
Fantastic "bite" on dirt.
Purple (32oz)

Sell $34.95

Part# 'TT-BSD'
Track Tac Black Sand
Sandy / Dusty conditions
Best Seller
Sell $34.95

Part# 'TT-AT2'
Track Tac AT-2
Great BASE Prep
Compares to Hot Lap II
Sell $55.95

Part# 'TT-TUFF-32'
Track Tac Tire Tuff
Extends tire life.
Inside or Outside
Sell $49.95

Part# 'TT-MINT-16'
Track Tac Tire Tuff Mint
Builds "BITE"
Outside Only
Sell 16 oz $28.95

Part# 'TT-MINT-32'
Track Tac Tire Tuff Mint
Builds "BITE"
Outside Only
Sell QT $49.95

Part# 'TT-KRY'
Track Tac Kryptonite V2
Inside Prep
Sell $31.95

Part# 'TT-ORG'
Track Tac Orange
Pre-Race Wipe
Sell $34.95

Part# 'TT-SQS'
Track Tac SQS
Pre-Race Wipe - cool  temps
Sell $31.95

Part# 'TT-TPZ'
Track Tac Topaz
Very Aggresive Prep
Sell $31.95

Part# 'TT-RBY'
Track Tac Pink Ruby
About 7 point drop
Sell $31.95

Part# 'TT-DIA'
Track Tac Rough Cut Diamond
About 2 point drop
Sell $31.95

Part# 'TT-QDQ'
Track Tac Quick Dry
Used trackside to speed up
dry and cure time.
Quart (32oz)
Sell $32.50

Pro-Blend (Hot Lap) Preps

Part# 'PB6032'
Hot Lap II Tire Treatment
from Pro-Blend
Sell $31.25

Part# 'PB6000'
Hot Lap II Tire Treatment
from Pro-Blend
Sell $82.49

Part# 'P7050'
Pro-Blend Tire Cleaner
"Opens" pores
Sell $34.30

Tire Prep Tools

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Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
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