Bully Clutch Rebuild
We are replacing the linings, floaters, and thrust
washers and bearings to close the air gap. Read Bully instruction sheet
provided with the clutch before starting. Bully set up instructions can
found at www.out2win.com. Tools
for the task:
Remove the snap ring, the drive drum, and the
thrust bearing assembly. Check the air gap before disassembly:
Remove the four screws with a hardened 5/32"
allen. Check the thickness of the worn disc and the new disc to
determine the
spacers required to restore the air gap.
The old lining is .005" thinner than new lining
and glazed.
Bully offers two thickness of shims to correct the air gap, .005" and
Install or remove shims as necessary to achieve an air
gap between .040" and .045".
Check the pressure plate for flatness when
Reassembly clutch and verify air gap. Be sure to
use a torque wrench on the four assembly screws.
Install new thrust washers and bearing. Buller
supplies a grease for this bearing. Apply very little grease to this
bearing. A
short bearing life is better than too much grease.
Reinstall drive drum and snap ring.
Verify spring heights. Refer to set up sheet for starting
point for the desired stall speed. Break-in new linings according to
the instruction
sheet provided with the clutch.
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